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Questions & Answers
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What are bed bugs?
"There are various species of bed bugs; they belong to the family of insects known as Cimicidae. All members of this family of insects feed exclusively on blood which they require in order to develop to maturity and reproduce, the common variety being Cimex Lectularius.
What do bed bug eggs look like?
Bed bug eggs are white in color and approx. 1-4mm in length and glued to the surface they are laid on. Eggs are laid in the crevices and surfaces where the adult bed bug hides during non-feeding periods and hatch in 8 to 10 days depending on temperature. Bed bug eggs are oftentimes compared to a small sesame seed or a very small grain of rice.
How can I tell if I have bed bugs?
When looking for bed bugs, be sure to use a powerful flashlight, inspect the seams of your mattress, head board, and baseboards behind your bed. Take your time, bed bugs are small, adults resemble an apple seed and eggs resemble a small sesame seed, they also leave trails of black specs (fecal matter which can be seen in our photo gallery). Bed bugs are commonly found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and have also been found in what is thought to be obscure places like outlets, light fixtures, picture frames, books, etc.
Which kind of inspection is better?
While there is a higher rate of accuracy with canine inspections about 96% and manual inspections 40%-60%. Every case is unique and offers challenges to both types of inspections. That is why it is important to hire an experienced and reputable company.
How do I know if a canine inspection is right for me?
If you haven’t had any pesticides or chemicals applied in your home/business within the last 30 days then you may be eligible. It is also best to conduct canine inspections in clutter free environments.
Should I throw out my bed/furniture?
We do not recommend throwing anything away until it has been evaluated by an experienced pest control professional. Anything you throw away should at the very least be treated and wrapped with shrink wrap and clearly write BED BUGS on the discarded furniture to minimize the risk of spreading the bed bugs into neighboring homes.
How do I prevent bed bugs from getting into my home?
It’s virtually impossible to 100% prevent bed bugs from entering your home because they can enter easily on your clothing or from a neighboring unit if you live in an apartment. What you can do, however, is purchase bed bug certified mattress and box spring encasements like those from, as well as climb-up insect interceptors
What are climb-up insect interceptors?
Another tool for early detection is called a climb-up interceptor. Climb-up interceptors have become a widely used product in the pest control industry as they are inexpensive and are a great monitoring tool for bed bug services
What do bed bug bites look like?
A bed bug’s mouth is made up of two tubes, one tube is able to pierce the skin and injects an anesthetic with their anti-clotting saliva, the second tube allows the bed bug to draw up its blood meal. The saliva is what causes the allergic reaction. Reaction to bed bug bites differ from host to host, some people experience large welts, while others have no reaction at all. Typically bed bug bites are found 3-4 in a row and resemble mosquito bites and may itch as with a mosquito bite.
Where do bed bugs bite?
People often experience bites on their arms and legs, it depends on the amount of clothing they wore while they’re sleeping. But, people have also been bitten on the hands, face, and other areas of exposed skin.
How long can a bed bug live without feedings?
It has been reported that an adult bed bug can live for over a year without having a blood meal. In most cases though, bed bugs will not survive that long without a meal. We have found that a bed bug can live over 4 months without feeding.
What do bed bugs look like?
Adult bed bugs are a reddish brown color, a flat oval shape, and are 5-6mm long. Bed bugs are often said to be wingless, however, they do in fact have wings. Lucky for us, through evolution and time their wings have become inoperable. They have two antennae, six legs, and short golden hair on their body. Adult bed bugs are often compared to have a similar appearance to an apple seed. Visit our photo gallery.
Where do bed bugs come from?
One cannot say exactly where bed bugs came from; there is not a single country in the world that has not been traveled to by bed bugs. They easily hitch rides in luggage, blankets, clothing, etc. They have been found in train stations, buses, churches, theaters, schools, doctor’s offices, etc.
I have bed bugs, what do I do?
DON’T PANIC! Take a deep breath, and realize that you are not alone. Secondly, make sure you have bed bugs, as many times people mistake other insects for bed bugs. Secure a sample of the bug in a Ziploc bag for proper identification. Most often it will be necessary to hire a licensed pest control company that has experience in dealing with bed bugs. A good company will perform a thorough inspection (manual or canine) and utilize the various tools at their disposal. Your participation in the inspection/treatment process will be crucial in the overall success of any treatment plan. This is a team effort that will require excellent team work between you and the pest control professional.
Which kind of inspection do I need?
Every bed bug infestation is different, if you are absolutely positive you have bed bugs and can see them out in the open, there is no need for a canine inspection, a manual inspection to confirm the presence of bed bugs and to provide specific instructions as to what you should do in your home is more than sufficient. Now, if you’re not sure if you have bed bugs but believe you may have them in your home (possibly because a co-worker has bed bugs) then a canine inspection may be better suited for you. The next step is to determine if you are eligible for a canine inspection.
How do I get rid of them?
These days there are many different treatment options available. There are heat treatments, residual treatments, green treatments, traditional treatments, fumigation treatments, Cryonite treatments, etc. A major key to success with any treatment is Team Work! In order for any treatment to be successful the client and the pest control professional have to work together as a team.
Can I get rid of bed bugs on my own?
Yes, there are cases where people have been successful in getting rid of bed bugs on their own, with plenty of vacuuming, thorough steaming, pesticide application and constant monitoring. It takes a bit longer but it’s not impossible. Though, more often than not, people that attempt to treat for bed bugs without professional help, are unsuccessful and turn to a professional to finally rid themselves of the problem. It takes good preparation, vacuuming, thorough steaming, proper application of pesticides and constant monitoring in order to be successful.
What are mattress encasements?
While mattress encasements will not prevent a bed bug infestation, they are a great tool for early detection of bed bugs, the sooner you know you have bed bugs the better off you’ll be in the long run. Mattress encasements will also help preserve the quality of your mattress.
Do bed bugs spread diseases?
Over 20 disease pathogens have been found in bed bugs, however, there are no documented reports of transmission of these pathogens to humans and is highly unlikely.
How far will a bed bug travel to find a host?
It has been noted that a bedbug may travel anywhere from 10-100 feet to find a host, however, they do not typically travel over 20 feet.
I frequently travel what should I do to protect myself?
Vigilance is the key! When you arrive to your destination, place your belongings inside of the bathroom. With a flashlight inspect the head board, seams of the mattress, night stands, and bedding; you’re looking for actual bed bugs, or evidence of them, such as fecal matter, and or blood stains. Keep the luggage off the floor. Bring over sized Ziploc bags (or similar product) and keep your clothing inside the bags. Upon returning home from your trip, examine your belongings (luggage, purse, carry-on, jacket, etc) for bed bugs. Prior to unpacking be sure to wash and dry all laundry in high heat; bring delicate items to be dry cleaned immediately.